17 October 2009

Fangoria 80 - Donald Pleasence

I was really wanting to post something from one of my old Gorezone Magazines instead of another Fango article, but in light of my recent post about the super crappy (but fun) Chuck Vincent film Warrior Queen, I couldn't resist this article. In that writeup I waxed poetic about the uncanny ability of Donald Pleasence to play crackpot characters. Since he's been dead for 14 years I didn't feel so bad about calling the guy a madman, but I thought it would be fair to let him express his opinion on the subject. In a form anyway.

It might also be noted that I recently said I wasn't going to post anything related to horror films for the entire month of October. In this case if you read the article, Pleasence emphasizes his strong dislike for horror films, so I feel vindicated.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool find. I'm always curious about artists who end up having issues with the genres that really gave them a name and visibility. He may have not liked it, but he was damn good, even in truly terrifying films like "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
