24 May 2010

Tim Kincaid Interview

Well, I tried.
I wrote several e-mails to one of my favorite trash-movie directors, Joe Gage/Tim Kincaid asking for an e-mail interview. Alas, he declined to even acknowledge my request at all. I think it was because my questions were too "political", apparently he doesn't like that. Fair enough I guess.
On his blog he did recently post a link to another interview so that will have to do for now, but I have not given up.


  1. I don't quite understand why Kincaid is unresponsive to your request. Why doesn't want to capitalize on the interest in those films he did with Band are generating?
    I do want to see 'Breeders' and 'She's Back' from reading your reviews, which seem perceptive of what the strange aesthetic these films embody. Also, I wanted to tell you, if you hadn't heard already, that, 'Necronomicon' is finally being released on DVD, by Full Moon, along with other Empire obcurities. Perhaps, Charles Band can help, put you in touch with Kincaid, or if not, maybe Band can say something about these films, since he did release them and worked with Kincaid. Just throwing ideas out there, since there isn't much known about these films, as they're so maligned. Stray films they are, which makes it all the more enjoyable to see what you able to discover.

  2. Tim's (Joe's) issue was that many of my questions are related to 'identity politics', a subject which he explicitly told me he was not interested in discussing. I do want to try again, I just need to try and make my questions less political. Understandably that may be difficult, politics is among my primary interests!

  3. Check this interview of Tim's from Fangoria, if you hadn't seen it already- http://www.fangoria.com/index.php?id=879%3Agay-of-the-dead-tim-kincaid-aka-joe-gage&option=com_content&catid=48%3Agay-of-the-dead&Itemid=162

    Music to my ears, that he mentions being influenced by experimental fillmmakers, such as the Kuchar brothers, Kenneth Anger, along with Russ Meyers and Leone, and Truffaut.
