07 June 2010

Point Blank

As I prepare to create another tributary art piece to one of the great American tough guy actors, I've been soaking up a lot of reference material. While I finish writing research papers and studying fossil hominins, it is less stressful to look at nice poster art than to try and express my thoughts on some piece of shit VHS tape.
Watch the progress toward St. Marvin here.
See the last painting, St. Bronson here.

Polish poster, art by Bronislaw Zelek

United States - 1967
Director - John Boorman
Starring Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson and John Vernon

The next three posters are from Posterman

The following posters are all low resolution, sorry, but that's all I could find.

This last one comes from Lightning Bug's Lair.

Point Blank was adapted from a novel by Donald Westlake titled The Hunter. It was retitled Point Blank when the film was released.
This book cover is from Bookgasm.

Go see Point Blank, or the broad gets it!


  1. Well, I just learnt that I haven't seen a Boorman film starring Lee Marvin. Gonna have to rectify that ASAP!

  2. Interestingly, Marvin was given creative control and picked Boorman to direct Point Blank. You should also check out Hell In the Pacific while you're at it.
