29 August 2011

Ghost Warrior

United States - 1984
Director - J. Larry Caroll
Vestron Video, 1986, VHS
Run Time - 1 hour, 26 minutes

Another Charles Band produced genre crossover spectacular from the early 80's. I re-found this one while looking for a movie about a frozen cave-man who comes back to life and kills people in the modern (80's) days. Any ideas what that might be?

These are the highest resolution versions that I could find of these two alternate posters.


  1. Might be Memorial Valley Massacre. Here's a link to a review I wrote: http://cinemagonzo.blogspot.com/search/label/Memorial%20Valley%20Massacre%20%281988%29

    It also includes a link to the entire movie.

  2. "Action Thrills from the makers of Troll!"

    This was a decent flick. Here is our review:


  3. I'll check 'em out. PS, you can use HTML in the comments boxes.

  4. If you haven't found it yet, the movie you want with the caveman, is called "Iceman"

  5. Yes, thanks for the tip. I have yet to find a copy though. I've watched two or three movies with some variation of "ice" and "man" in the title but still haven't found the one I remember. I haven't looked in a while though...
    On a side note, the Spanish poster above calls Ghost Warrior El Hombre de Hielo, or "The Ice Man."
    Where "Swordkill" comes from is anyone's guess.
