01 October 2012

LVA Status Update

For anyone keeping track it may have become obvious that Lost Video Archive has lately not been updated as regularly and routinely as in the past.

For that I am sorry, but I have good reason.

Over the last six months I've begun the process of applying to various graduate schools. It's a long and harrowing process that involves taking tests, writing convincingly about what you want to study for the next six years, and reading a lot. A lot.

And I've been hanging art shows which takes more time than I would like even though I enjoy painting and drawing as much as I enjoy watching/writing about odd films.

As a result, you may see entries that do not follow our usual format of obscure and/or VHS only. Sometimes I am inspired to write about other things, and sometimes I write for other publications (ghasp!)

So, while things are crazy here at HQ, Lost Video Archive may be a little sporadic, but I love doing this, so I will always be here. Stick around, it will always be interesting. And if you want to see the reading list (there's some good shit,) just let me know.

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