18 February 2013

Fangoria #48 - The Supernaturals

It's been a while since we posted an old magazine scan here at LVA. While filing away some old Jimmy Carter issues of Newsweek I ran across this issue of Fangoria. Here's an interesting article on the 1985 Civil War zombie film The Supernaturals which we posted on back HERE. The film itself leaves something to be desired, but this article makes up for that. Plus how can you go wrong with zombie pictures. Written during the filming of The Supernaturals (apparently singular at the time, note the first page title), the article makes connections to other contemporary films like The Mutilator and Android, but we'll let you read the article and find out for yourself.

From Fangoria issue 48, published in March of 1985 I believe.
For more of our old horror magazine posts check out Ephemera.


  1. Outstanding. I've been doing a Fango retrospective on my blog for a while as well. This is one of the issues I don't have.

  2. Awesome Ed, I can't wait to check out your blog! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Man, I remember reading this as a kid and the stills got me so excited. I was hoping it was like RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD but with zombies. I finally saw it on video and it was not. :-(

  4. Nope, it definitely wasn't all that, but what a great concept right? Right?
